Photographer KISSMANTHOTO works OXYGEN+ NO.02 Fitness dad-Yan Xiaojian (cheap)-Wanke photo

Photographer KISSMANTHOTO works OXYGEN+ NO.02 Fitness dad-Yan Xiaojian (cheap)-Wanke photo

Resource Type:Photo
Resource size:286MB
Number of photo pages:166
Video duration:no
Retail code:OXYGEN+ NO.02 Yan Xiaojian
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Xiaojian hobby:Iron first、Cycling、Take pictures、Walking baby
Xiaojian liked extreme cycling in college,Dropped out of school and started a business and started a bicycle business。I have always played aerobics,So he has a lean body。
Xiaojian really likes this shooting,The photographer’s technique is very good,The shot is very xing,I want to cherish each one by myself。
This time I wore Privatestructure underwear to shoot,It feels that the design of the bird's nest is very three-dimensional! And very sao。

Oxygen+ is a high-quality male album carefully selected by the photographer KISSMANTHOTO in the creation of male models.,Lead you to understand the charm of male model SuperLei。


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