KO Kuruu – School Teacher Physical Education Teacher 4-Wanke Video

KO Kuruu – School Teacher Physical Education Teacher 4-Wanke Video

Resource Type:video
Resource size:5.52GB
Number of photo pages:no
Video duration:2Hour 09 minute 06 seconds
Retail code:KO Kuruu - School Teacher 4
Download software:Baidu Netdisk,google drive,OneDrive
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After school,The teacher will show the lewdness that he usually hides。

"teacher,what are you doing?…This is the classroom。”

[First episode] Masturbation being seen

The physical education teacher who was asked to patrol the classroom after school found the pornographic book of the student left in the desk。Teachers who indulged in obscene behavior did not notice the handyman came to clean up... "Doctor,It would be bad if it was discovered?”

[Second story] The tradition of this school

"The teacher came from this school, right??Of course you know the traditions of this school?"The new teacher who was talked to by the senior teacher。And the erotic underwear that I handed over。"Then wait at my house。"The new teacher who can't resist walks to the home of the predecessor..."Enjoy..."

[Part Three] Compensated P.E. Teachers

Use the coach's identity to approach students,Perverted teacher who proposes to aid communication。"coach,what's happenin?Is it also today?"" Excuse me,please。"Money handed over to the students。Then in the locker room where no one else is,Started lewdness as usual... "I already want to get in?...... The coach is really perverted......"

[Episode 4] The Secret Known

"Then decide where to go before next time。"Teacher seeing off students。In the remaining classroom,The physical education teacher is looking for the locker of the student he likes... while smelling the student’s tights,While using hidden dior to start annie’s perverted teacher madly。"teacher,what are you doing?"The secret to be seen。"...Okay,Let him continue。"The irrational teacher attacks the huge roots of the students..." I am still excited after doing such a thing in the classroom,The teacher is such a pervert..."

The bell rings after school,The suppressed lust of physical education teachers will overflow...

teacher,All men,So don’t be shy... Today, the PE teacher is also performing a lewd obsession。

Teachers and students don’t want to let the outside world know about the extracurricular tutoring。

Participating male models:Riichi Sakaki / Kagami Planet / Takahashi show / Isegawa raw horse / Iori Yuping / Sho Matsuzaki and others

Full-hard jet stream video, Japanese video has light code

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