KO Kuruu – School Teacher Physical Education Teacher 5-Wanke Video

KO Kuruu – School Teacher Physical Education Teacher 5-Wanke Video

Resource Type:video
Resource size:2.46GB
Number of photo pages:no
Video duration:1Hour 50 minute 33 seconds
Retail code:KO Kuruu – School Teacher Physical Education Teacher 5
Download software:Baidu Netdisk,google drive,OneDrive
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Off get out of class,The lustful desires in the school began to run wild!!"The physical education teacher is actually very happy too?”

[First episode] The new teacher being targeted
After school,Sugiura found pornographic books in an empty cabinet。I was seen by the teacher when I turned that page carelessly,Was reminded。Sugiura, who was forced to keep secret from other teachers...

[Second episode] Personal guidance after school "Do you have time now??"Yamada who was stopped by the teacher when he came back from practice。"Now I will give you exercise,Change again。"Staring at Yamada's PE teacher who is changing clothes with nasty eyes。Today, as usual, the training of perverted teachers began...

[Part Three] The Secret Revealed
"I found a good porn tape recently,The teacher doesn't hate it?"The invited Fujita went to the teacher's house after school。"what is this,Isn't it pornographic?"The video tape I watched is a gay video tape made by Fujita before...

[Fourth Chapter] Educational Practice
After school,Educational practice on the day of Otani review。"Is it that kind of costume??Wearing tight shirts to show off your figure..." Mandatory persecution of instructors。The old teacher who came there。Otani who thought he would be able to get help... "Let’s give some guidance..." Accepting two people’s lewd education internship..." Starting today,I love you every day。"So the teacher likes to do this kind of thing。
I don’t want to expose the reality of the excessive educational guidance that is known outside the school!!

This feeling,teacher,Too erotic。

Participating male models:Sugiura Kaoru / Otani Ayato / Fujita Kenji / Yamada Kazu / Sugito Genya etc.

Full-hard jet-stream video, Japanese series have light codes

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