RareRoot No.03 The mixed-race man Waikin Guan Weijian-Wanke photo

RareRoot No.03 The mixed-race man Waikin Guan Weijian-Wanke photo

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Resource size:180MB
Number of photo pages:96
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Retail code:RareRoot No.03
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Do you believe in fate?
Meet our Rareroot model Kwan WaiKin Half-Blood Prince,Meet everyone in this issue。
Our home magazine,They are all looking for good-looking male models to shoot。However,This also makes us encounter difficulties in contact,at first,It’s really difficult to contact him on IG,But fate brought us to today。

Before the water festival,I have a meeting in Hong Kong,Chat with friends,Find a chance to get a magazine。Never expected,A word I asked casually,Take me to find this opportunity。Through many contacts and introductions,I contacted the editor of RareRoot,He promised to let me go on the cover of the next issue。I packed up,I'll fly to Bangkok to arrange this shooting itinerary。
All this is destiny。
If my friend didn't come to hongkong,I won't have a meeting with him。
If i didn't have a meeting with him,Won't ask about this opportunity。
such,I won't be on the cover of this issue。
Fate is so fun。

Kwan WaiKin is 184 cm tall and weighs 87 kg.,Now my personal fitness trainer in Hong Kong,I hope everyone will support my first photo!

Non-full version photo

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