NO.02 TITAN Slam from the prison-Wanke video

NO.02 TITAN Slam from the prison-Wanke video

Resource Type:video
Resource size:0.99GB
Number of photo pages:no
Video duration:2hours 20 minutes 35 seconds
Retail code:NO.02 TITAN
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The warden introduced the prisoner (Billy Wilder) to the way he would never forget the punch。 In order to make people who come here behave。
After the punch,Dred Scott Jean Papi Moreno (Papi Moreno) Take off the prisoner’s orange prison uniform,Then forced Scott to immediately show him the benefits of actively facing obedience。
Scott pulled the drooling giant root from the prisoner Wilder's throat,Soon under the watch of his confidant, he relentlessly pushed the prisoner Wilder
This prison allowed Wilder to soak in a pool of hot juice from the guards and inmates。

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