KO Suits Sexual Harrassment 2 Obscene - Wanke Video

KO Suits Sexual Harrassment 2 Obscene - Wanke Video

Resource Type:video
Resource size:877MB
Number of photo pages:no
Video duration:1hours 45 minutes 56 seconds
Retail code:KO Suits Sexual Harrassment 2
Download software:Baidu Netdisk,google drive,OneDrive
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Hierarchy at work is absolute! Quit or obey...I can't disobey orders...
This workplace is a lawless sex place!
a lot of harassment every day…
No reason or common sense needed! All you need is a body!

[scene 1]
"Please get that file in order by Monday。” Due to the unreasonable demands of the boss,I work on vacation。But it's a trap set by my boss。"Come here! Do you know who's going to work today? Then... take off your suit for a while!" "What are you talking about...?" I was pissed。But I had to obey the bossy boss...

"Do you have time from now on?" the manager approached from the bathroom。Just a normal phone call。"director,Do I want to do this again..." I never bowed my head to the director。But the director has no reason to allow。And I'm still the director's sexual tool。But the truth is... my body is...

"I always owe the manager。do you know? "Today I am entertaining the manager of a business partner。entertainment is a material service。The director seems to enjoy playing with men's bodies。I was introduced to the director with my blindfold。Today I'm a Service Slave Satisfying Director Only。In other words,i will never forget to enjoy it。i am greedy for sex。This job may just be a profession……

"Didn't you forget anything?" That's right...I forgot to call my business partner。"I'm sorry..." "Do you think it's easy to apologize?" "I'll do anything I can。" "Will you do anything?" "The boss who pushed my face to the crotch。i resist。It's too late though...I was made into a toy to satisfy his libido...

Obscene behavior prevailing in the workplace! you know what to do,Right?
The work hours that men hate have begun!

Starring:Kensuke Ozawa / Kenzo Kirigaya / Yuki Kato / Kosuke Shinohara

Admire Sudou Gongya under peach heart underwear

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