Brothers No.54 REAL 'TAMP' - Wanke Photo + Video

Brothers No.54 REAL 'TAMP' - Wanke Photo + Video

Resource Type:Photo+video
Resource size:710MB
Number of photo pages:188
Video duration:16Minutes 11 seconds
Retail code:Brothers No.54
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Brothers Magazine Vol.54 would like to take everyone to unseen the scene with the latest handsome male model “Nam there” who has had some photoshoots in the past. But this time I’ll ask Let’s arrange it hard, full of clumps, for the brothers fans to be satisfied with the 2 bounce. . Starting from the team of Dew Young Taem to come to take a photo this time. Referred to for almost 2 months of time to form a firm body in order to make the figure come out as fit as possible. saw the effort and the true intentions of this young man Guarantee that the work of young Tam and Brothers photoshoot. Would definitely make the fans appreciate this young man more than double. . for the working atmosphere I’m very excited because he had to compete with the rain that had set him up since the beginning of the day In this event, the team has to speed up the outdoor shooting as quickly as possible. before the rain falls With the spirit of the model and the fullness of the team, it came out beautiful work. Let fans have fun with Brothers. In any case, I would like to give encouragement to the hot fashion of the young Tam.

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