Liu Jing | Male superhero | Summer Splash -HENRY——Wanke Photo

Liu Jing | Male superhero | Summer Splash -HENRY——Wanke Photo

男神辣辣 简介 23岁新晋男神辣辣 罕有的宽肩细腰黄金身材比例 高冷的忧郁文青男神气质 在新浪微博首露面就俘获大批忠实粉丝 成为诸多当红摄影师的新宠 这本写真记录了他在上一个夏天的身影 并首度曝光他的私人珍藏诗歌 一同窥探他的外在和内在。 ✔This:.
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Male superhero


23The new year-old man is hot and spicy
Rare gold body proportions with wide shoulders and thin waist
The cold, melancholic and literary young man's temperament
He captured a large number of loyal fans after his first appearance on Sina Weibo
Become the new favorite of many popular photographers
This photo records his figure in the last summer
And exposed his private collection of poems for the first time
To spy on his outside and inside together。

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✔Please note that this issue is not NUDE version


Male superhero


Male superhero


Male superhero

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retail:30 yuan
Number of pages:96 page

Retail code:LJ-Summer No.01
For retail, please add WeChat to purchase
We chat number:wanker-vip

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