HIGH Hi NO.81 GV shooting scene-sex on the set——Wanke photo

HIGH Hi NO.81 GV shooting scene-sex on the set——Wanke photo

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Resource size:57MB
Number of photo pages:92
Video duration:no
Retail code:HIGH-NO.81
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GV shooting scene



HIGH magazine's special issue "GV Shooting Site - Onset Promiscuity" truly records the shooting scene and behind-the-scenes scenes of Jihi Film and Television。A collection of plane photography taken by multiple GV videos,Many pictures are not seen in the video works。Some actors continue to flirt and have sex after filming;Some actors developed into couples after filming,Insert without sleeve in front of photographer's lens;It’s the first time that the first brother went to the sea to be developed;Uncle Huang from the Internet has guest appearances on the set to pick small milk attacks。It’s an album that you can’t miss if you like to watch the real behind-the-scenes stories of GV。

Really record five scenes of GV shooting
1、Sex in the bathroom
2、Blissful party
3、Muscular male dysphoric shot
4、Filming the scene of fornication
5、Nice ass kalpa

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GV shooting scene


GV shooting scene



GV shooting scene

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