TARO Song Hontaro NO.11 AIL HOUSE ROCK-AIL HOUSE ROCK-Wanke photo + video

TARO Song Hontaro NO.11 AIL HOUSE ROCK-AIL HOUSE ROCK-Wanke photo + video

Resource Type:Photo+video
Resource size:271MB
Number of photo pages:173
Video duration:20Minute 44 seconds + 19Minutes and 50 seconds
Retail code:TARO No.11
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Prison situation

John F was sentenced to 6 months in prison for pickpocketing。In jail,His roommate is the notorious serial rapist Teo Beng Hua, who has been imprisoned for 6 years for the crime of forcing several young girls.。
The prison officer heard an informal complaint from Teo's former roommate,That Teo has been sodomizing them。But in order to prevent more trouble,Most roommates choose not to report rape in order to save this case should be extended to an embarrassing situation。Unfortunately,John is assigned as Teo's roommate。On his first night,Teo beat him and threatened him,If you scream for help, break his nose。
This rape continued for five nights。On the 5th night,The warden caught Teo on the spot and J-John。The warden realized that Teo is a stubborn person,If he doesn’t experience the pain firsthand,Won't learn a lesson。
The warden took the law in his own hands。Tell John to chain Teo and order him to rape Teo to punish him。

This video is TARO SOHON’s boldest filming and trying gay porn。This gay video contains BDSM,Anal sex;oral sex;Ejaculation and gay rape。Prison rape is the most popular storyline in gay fantasy。Let's hope that this is not the last time of TARO SOHON's story。

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Prison situation


Prison situation



Prison situation


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