TARO NO.104+106 Crazy God Tied CRACK HEAD——Wanke Photos + Videos

TARO NO.104+106 Crazy God Tied CRACK HEAD——Wanke Photos + Videos

Resource Type:Photo+video
Resource size:407MB
Number of photo pages:131
Video duration:12Minutes 25 seconds
Retail code:TARO NO.104+106
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TARO Song Bentaro NO.104+106 CRACK HEAD

John was hired to do body modeling for photographers。 The shooting theme is BDSM。
Photographer Walter asks John to get ready,and asked him to put on a loincloth,then tie him up, Specifically it looks very provocative.。
John is trying to be a male human model for the first time,He was terrified that he would become sexually aroused in the process。However, Walter wanted John to have an erection,This way the loincloth won't look so deflating.,So he deliberately teased John to get an erection while anointing him with oil.。 。
to relax,John asked to smell some relaxant to avoid embarrassment,But he had an allergic reaction to the relaxant,When relaxants have adverse effects,John becomes mentally unstable。
When Walt notices John acting strangely,He was not dissatisfied with John's crazy behavior, Instead, he decided to take advantage of the situation and sexually abuse John.,Until John cums on himself。

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