Elegant Man No.03 Desire shy man-Xiaowen-Wanke photo

Elegant Man No.03 Desire shy man-Xiaowen-Wanke photo

Resource Type:Photo
Resource size:60M
Number of photo pages:112
Video duration:no
Retail code:Elegant Man No.03
Download software:Baidu Netdisk
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The look he gives people is a bit special
I really want to know what he is thinking. There must be some secret.
It turns out that he is very relaxed like this
I promised to shoot without thinking too much

I'm not ashamed to undress in front of the camera
On the contrary, it’s natural, but it still shows up occasionally
Smile shyly

Stroking back and forth in bed
It slowly engorges and swells
It's a big bag, so I want it to stick out
His eyes seemed to say: would you help me?

Full hard version photo

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